Wednesday, May 17, 2023

[MINOR ASSIGNMENT 1] Katie Koblasz's Mirror Selfie

 By: Katie Koblasz

About Me:

Hi! My name is Katie Koblasz, and I am a senior Multimedia Journalism major here at Georgia Southern. My experience with photography and DSLR cameras is limited, but my minimal knowledge of it can be credited to Dr. Riley's Fundamentals of Multimedia course last semester. I have always found photography to be fascinating, and I have enjoyed learning the art of taking photos. I love using "vintage" cameras such as film cameras, camcorders, polaroid cameras etc. I tend to either use older cameras or my iphone to capture memories, but have a growing appreciation for DSLRs. I am excited to continue working with DSLRs, learn more about photography, and learn how to convey a story through images!

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