By: Kamryn Gibson
Chloe Rollins is logging into her laptop to take an assessment. "This is an eating disorder assessment."
Chloe Rollins is signing into her Georgia Southern account. Chloe is doing the two-step verification.
Chloe Rollins goes to the Counseling Center tab on the Georgia Southern website to look for the assessment. "I've seen it on here before and now I can't seem to find it."
Chloe Rollins clicks on the Individual Counseling tab. Chloe scrolls through and looks for the assessment.
Chloe Rollins finds the Eating Concerns tab and clicks on it. "This is where the assessment is."
Chloe Rollins scrolls through the page and reads about the major eating disorders. "I didn't know these were the major disorders."
Chloe Rollins begins taking the assessment. Chloe reads the question thoroughly before answering.
Chloe Rollins continues taking the assessment. "There are a lot more questions than I expected."
Chloe Rollins questioning if she wants to finish the assessment. "I'm not sure if I want to finish this, I don't know if I want the answer."
Chloe Rollins continues with the assessment. Chloe answers another question.
Chloe Rollins continues with the assessment. "I'm not sure what any of this means, but I'm going to answer to the best of my ability."
Chloe Rollins continues with the assessment. "Should I be seeking treatment right now?"
Chloe Rollins continues with the assessment. "I pray I'm almost done with this assessment, I'm tired."
Chloe Rollins grabs some frozen fruit out of the freezer. "I want a smoothie, but I also don't feel like cleaning the blender."
Chloe Rollins grabs some food out of the refrigerator. Chloe takes the top off the blue cup to see if the fruit inside has thawed out.
Chloe Rollins sits back down to finish the assessment. Chloe doesn't touch her food yet.
Chloe Rollins stops eating her food. Chloe is focusing on the assessment.
Chloe Rollins searches binge eating disorder. "I think this is what I have. I will fast for like a week and then just eat everything and anything."