By: Alden Barbour
Madison Abel enjoys spending an hour or so daily at her apartment's gym.
Abel typically starts her workouts on the rowing machine.
She maintains focus and balance while on the machine.
She plants her feet steady on the ground when lifting weights.
Abel is not picky when it comes to workout attire, "I honestly would rather just wear a t-shirt."
Abel shared that she "would rather do arm workouts than legs. There is nothing worse than leg day."She was wearing her clinic shoes during her workout because she had left her regular workout shoes at a friend's house.
Powering through, Abel focuses on her goal of a few more minutes.
Next up, the bike is one of Abel's favorite pieces of equipment in the gym.
"I enjoy looking out the window and watching while on the bike," said Abel.
Almost done! Madison counts down the seconds until her ride is complete.
Riding in style! Clinic shoes make for good workout shoes too.
Abel winds down the workout on the treadmill.
"I like to spend 30 minutes on the treadmill at the end of every workout, said Abel. It helps me to stretch."
Luckily, Abel had the gym to herself.
The last few minutes of the workout. Abel lowers the speed, as she ends her walk.
Abel reaches the end of her walk, wrapping up her workout.