Monday, July 15, 2024


 By: Paul Jarrett

A posted sign directs traffic for the Feed the Boro food drop. These signs help make everything run smoothly. 

Tents and trucks set up at Statesboro High School. This is the location of both rounds of the food drop. 

Volunteer sign in being monitored by Ray Simmons. Ray has been working with Feed the Boro 7 years now. 

Volunteers being told their duties for the next two hours by staff members. They will be bagging/boxing thousands of food and drink items for those that are less fortunate. 

Middle and High School students bagging canned green beans. Even though they are young they understand the importance of events like food drops. 

Athletes from Statesboro high starting an assembly line for their section. They use days like food drops to receive community service credits and they love seeing the smiles from the people they are helping. 

Staff member Greg Baker directs the traffic for the drive thru. Dozens of trucks are driven through the set up to have their beds or trailers loaded up to take items to those who could come in person. 

McKenna Rigdon bagging canned carrots. McKenna tries her best to come to every food drop she can because she knows what it means to those she's helping. 

Lyle Johnson walking back and forth to load up a truck with bags of goods. Lyle says that it is so important to help those in need because you never know exactly what someone is going through. 

Ryan Mitchell, Jake Ledford, and Cody Cook grabbing cases of cans to put in truck beds. Even though it is early on a Saturday they signed up to help because helping others is more important than sleeping in for one day. 

Staff members and volunteers getting packages together as the trucks drive in. Working with the volume of food items present it is important to get every care package ready as quickly as possible so they don't delay the vehicles. 

Lyle helping newcomers and showing them the process. Even an hour after it started people are still showing up to help out those in need. 

Two volunteers talking and smiling while getting work done. While these events are meant to help those that are in need of food items it still provides others that are struggling to go out and interact with others, it's a win win. 

Layla inspecting the products to make sure they are good to go out. Layla is a service dog that is working overtime to help both her owner and those receiving the packages made. 

Conny Moffett and her son Ryan gathering cans of corn for the next round of trucks. As her shirt implies, Conny is here because of her religious beliefs and she has been led to come and help. 

Staff member Patrick Carson wearing a Santa hat while directing the volunteers. Patrick is a fun loving guy who has been helping others through Feed the Boro for almost a decade and he still gets as much joy helping others now as he did when he started. 

Several volunteers are packaging meat specifically and making sure it is safely secured. Given the importance of not letting the meat go bad, Feed the Boro has stationed coolers to house the product before it is ready to be sent out. 

Staff members Tanya and Mary talking about how successful the first drop of the day has been. They love seeing so many people coming to help the cause they care so deeply about. 

Volunteers look on as the last round of trucks for this drop start to come in. They have helped countless lives with their work and will help more by getting certain things ready for the next drop two hours from now. 

As the last of trucks get sent out the staff make sure everything is ready for the next drop. Even though they have two hours before the next volunteers arrive it is important to have it all set up so they can get going right away. 

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