By: Miriam Boston
Danielle Greene is receiving the pass from Rachel Henderson. "Rachel and I always come out here on sunny days just to play around," said Greene. |
Greene and Henderson are looking at the volleyball while it's in mid-air. Henderson ends up getting the volleyball while it's in the air. |
Jake Johnson is picking up the volleyball. He was handing it to Rick Jones so they can start a game of beach volleyball. |
Rick Jones hits the volleyball over the net. Beach volleyball is a team sport played by two teams of two players on each side. |
Jake Johnson hits the volleyball and it lands on the net; while Henderson is observing him. Johnson spiked the ball aggressively over the net getting them a point. |
Rick serves the ball for Krystal to strike it. The ball ends up going outside the net but still lands on the ground. |
They are waiting to see where the volleyball is gonna go. "Jones and I were ready to receive the ball", said Greene. |
Henderson is smiling while the ball is in mid-air. "This is only my second time playing beach volleyball and I'm enjoying it." |
Henderson and Greene are both looking at the ball. Henderson actually hits the ball over the net to the opposing players. |
Rick is waiting for Greene to hit the ball. "I'm actually not that good when it comes to hitting the ball over the net but hey it's worth the try," said Greene |
The volleyball is in mid-air. This throw was made by Greene and her team end up getting two points from it. |
Johnson went to go get the volleyball. "Danielle that was a nice throw; I was not expecting that at all". |
Johnson and Kryal are walking back after getting the ball. Krystal ran to get the ball that was served out of bounds. |
Jones prepares to serve the ball to the other players. The girls in the background were actually warming before they start practice. |
Johnson hits the volleyball while Krystal is waiting for the next serve. Johnson hitted the ball so hard that sand knocks off his feet. |
Jones and Greene are staring the volleyball. Jones catches the ball in his hand because the pass wasn't that good. |
Jones is preparing to throw the volleyball over the net while Greene looks at it. "This is about to be a smooth hit", said Jones. |
Jack Johnson is receiving the last pass from Rick Jones. Jones and Henderson are excited because they got the most points from the game; we really just came out here for fun |