Titus (dog, front) grabs his toy. Alfred (dog, back) trots back to his owner David Skinner
 | Dog owner David Skinner gears up to this the toy. Alfred (dog) watches the ball anticipating the throw.
 | Alred (dog) chases his toy. "I like to throw it high because he only has three legs so it gives him time to run under it," said Skinner.
 | Alfred (dog) catches his ball in his mouth. "It makes their day when they catch the ball," said Skinner.
 | Titus (dog, front) fetches his toy. Alfred (dog, back) waits for his owner to throw his toy.
 | Dog owner David Skinner winds up to throw Alfred's (dog, front) ball. "Alfred will play fetch all day if he could," said Skinner.
 | Dog owner David Skinner throws Titus' toy in the air. Titus (dog) crouches ready to catch the toy.
 | Titus (dog, front) attempts to catch his toy. Robin (dog, back) brings his toy back to his owner David Skinner.
 | Titus (dog, front) chases down his toy. "Titus is by far my most energetic dog," said owner David Skinner.
 | David raises Alfred's toy preparing to throw it. Alfred (dog, front) turns to get a headstart on the toy.
 | Alfred (dog, front) looks back to track his toy in the air. Titus (dog, back) waits for owner David Skinner to throw his toy.
 | Titus (dog, front) begins his jump in order to catch his toy. "Titus loves to jump while playing fetch," said dog owner David Skinner.