By: Miriam Boston
Pam Tuggle checks on her tablet to see how many people are coming in today. "We usually have over 17,000 people that come to get items," said Tuggle. |
Pam Tuggle showing Tim Myers how many people/volunteers coming. "We have to make sure to check in everybody that comes to Duluth Co-op", said Tuggle. |
Sign-making sure only volunteers enter beyond this point. They have over 100 volunteers that come to Duluth Co-op to help out. |
Shannon Sligar and Sharon Mcleod placing canned goods in the boxes. This area is where we store all our canned food items such as spaghetti, noodles, and etc. |
Different boxes of packaged food in the storage area. Different grocery stores such as Kroger, sprouts provide us with food items. |
Shannon Sligar is looking at Dayle Abbey grab one of the canned goods from the box. Abbey was showing Sligar how to properly bag the items. |
Sligar places one of the food items in the bag. Abbey was telling Sligar which bag to place the mashed potatoes box. |
Sligar grabs one of the canned goods. Sligar just started volunteering at Duluth Co-op; she's a retired elementary school teacher. |
Sligar makes sure she places all the correct food items in the bag. The volunteers are provided a specific list to know how many items are placed in each bag. |
Charlie Doerlich sorts through the boxes. Doerlich has been volunteering at Duluth Co-op food pantry for many years now. |
Perishable food items in the refrigerator. Sometimes we run out of space because we are provided with so much perishable food. |
Frozen food items such as chicken, shrimp and etc in the freezer. "Sprouts and Krogers just provided us with this frozen food the other day," said one of the volunteers. |
Another area where toiletries and feminine products are stored at in the food pantry. Duluth Co-op is not limited to just food, they provide everyday necessities as well. |
Julie Gornall grabs a diaper bag to place in the box. Different churches every month come to Duluth Co-op to volunteer. Gornall is a volunteer from First Presbyterian church. |
Gornall places all the toiletries in the correct labeled boxes. Gornall volunteers at Duluth CO-op Wednesday and Friday from 12-2pm |
Tim Myers and Bill De Kryger packing up a bag with different food items. They are getting it ready for a client. |
Bill De Kryger places one of the bags in the shopping cart. "We double-check that we provided enough items for the client before we hand it off to them," said De Kryger |
De Kryger and Myers put the food items in the truck. This amount of food items the cart had was for a family of 4. |
The blue bags with their logos is where they place all the items to give to the clients. Duluth Co-op purpose is to help neighbors in the community in many different ways. |