By: Savannah Johnston
Storefront of Elite Edge Fitness in Chamblee, Georgia. Elite Edge is a private gym that offers classes and one-on-one training.
The attendees of the 5:30 Wednesday class stretch and warm up independently. This is common for this style of class, for everyone to warm up separately.
The workout for the day on a whiteboard. This day was an upper body-focused day targeting back, chest, and arms.Certified personal trainer Ainslie Armstrong explaining the workout for today. She has been working at Elite Edge for three years now.
Armstrong demonstrating one of the stations of workouts. This style of class is station-based workouts, where people rotate between five stations spending eight minutes at each one.
Class attendee performing the TRX fly movement. This movement works stability in the core as well as arm strength.
A person performing a weighted pull-up. When your own bodyweight is too light, you can add more weight for an extra challenge.
Armstrong helping a student with one-on-one instruction. She walked around the class frequently to help people with their form.
A student taking a brief break in between circuits. The first circuit had ended, and everyone in the class got a quick break for water.
An attendee performing a tricep dip. This is especially training core muscles as well as the triceps.
Person performing a bicep curl. The person is sitting on a yoga ball for added challenge in balance and stability.
Woman performing a TRX fly. The TRX suspension trainer is a special type of equipment that provides tension and suspension.
Armstrong providing one-on-one training for a student of the class. Armstrong has been a certified personal trainer for two years.
Person performing a push up. This variation of a push up includes explosive movement off of the floor.
Person performing a banded reverse fly. This movement involves tension in the bands resulting in feeling a stretch in the back and shoulders.
Person performs a kettlebell over head press. The person has on a weightlifting belt which helps with stability and reduces strain when lifting in an upright position.
Person performs a ring row. This is a back target exercise where you row your body weight upwards toward the ceiling.
Armstrong provides instruction for a student. She is explaining form for bent-over rows, another back-targeted excercise.
Person performs a kettlebell press. These can be performed with one heavy weight or two lighter weights for the same result.
Armstrong converses with a new student after class. He had never taken a class with her and told her he really enjoyed and pushed himself that day.