Friday, June 28, 2024

[PHOTOSTORY 2: MOTION] Color Kickball

 By: Kate Rentz

Kota Watson gets color thrown on him before the game. This is his third game of color kickball that he has ever played.
Trent Lunn starts the night off as the pitcher. This is his fifth year playing color kickball.
Grace Ann Gill takes the first kick of the game. Grace Ann just started playing color kickball this year. 
Ashley Johnston runs to second base. Ellie Canter covered her in blue powder while she waited to run to third base. 
Kendall Sage runs throw her teams Home Run Tunnel. Her teammate follows her closely behind. 
Jimmy Fallstorm kicks the ball. He launched this ball and ran to second before the team was able to get the ball.
Walker Gill runs through the Home Run Tunnel. Walker and Grace Ann, who was picture eariler are siblings. 
Caitlin Nix launches the ball into the air. Sadly, the outfield was able to catch this kick, which resulted in three strikes. 
During the teams switching, they throw color at each other as they switch. They have handfuls of color to throw at the opposing team.
Kaylee Puccio throws color at Ashley Eller as she tries to run away. This is Kaylee's fourth year playing color kickball and Ashley's third year. 
Gracen Adams plays it safe and kicks the play on the ground for the first kick of the last inning. Gracen is a soccer player so she was able to control the ball better.
Kennedy Oliff and Mackenzie Deal throw color at the oncoming runner. They played second base the entire game for their team. 
Luke Dasher runs past Kennedy and Mackenzie as they throw color on him. Luke played the entire game barefoot.
Megan Hiers kicks the ball as her teammate in the background runs to third. She only made it to first base safely.
Kaylee Deal runs safely to second as she gets color thrown on her. Her team was up 18-15 in the last inning. 
Luke Yawn waits to see if he is safe to complete his run to second. If he got out it would be the last switch before the end of the game. 
One last switch before the game ended. The teams were close, 18-17.
Marley Sees running past second base and to third after her amazing kick. Her team was cheering extra hard because they needed one more run to tie the game up. 
Cody Williams runs to second from first base. He ended up getting out after this. 
Britton Gage runs through third and gets covered in pick dust. He ended up getting home safe and the team won, 20-18.

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