Friday, July 15, 2022

[PHOTOSTORY 4: STRUGGLE]: Grief, COVID, and being a Widow

 By:Ivey Grace Smith

First thing first, she has to start the day with putting on her boot. She broke her foot two days after laying my father, her husband to rest.

My daddy always use to make her coffees in the morning. Now, our morning routines are a bit different and we are having to do things that were once spoiled with someone doing for us.

Fixing breakfast now is something hard to do. It is still hour by hour and day by day at this point and doing the small things that were once done is hard to get into routine of doing. 

Even though our life has paused, the world around us has not. Picking up things around the house to ensure we are somewhat living a normal life. 

Funny story, but so true. Most of the time women clean the kitchen, well - this is a chore that was never touched by a women. My daddy served his family and now looking back it is a testimony to his life. 

These series of photos is a true collect of photos of task that are now a chore to my mama and I ever since my daddy passed away. There is 3 steps in taking out the trash. This is step 1 - push it down.

Step 2 of 3, take it out. Crippled and all, daily task must resume. 

Step 3 of 3, this one is the one I am most pickiest about. Put a bag back in, that is the simplest task of all. 

Daily vitamins to help for a longer life. We can all be real though, no life is long or expected for. 

With the increase in stress after the passing of my father, my mamas therapist suggested we take her blood pressure. So far it has been elevated every morning since we even brought in the at home test. 

Before heading off to work, we must finish our coffee. Sugar free creamer is now what we buy to cut back to help him in the diet of his photo. 

That's a wrap on the morning routine. Take meds for COVID-19 that has hit our house and lock up our
security system to reassure a house full of women will be okay at any given worry. 

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